
Monday, June 25, 2012

Our table fan completes 40 years

Our table fan manufactured by Cinni recently completed 40 years and it is still operating young and energetic :). It was bought by my father during his first job. From then onwards it has not even seen a single repair. It does not mean that we use it rarely however it lasted long. Even today we use it daily.Only once the body was coated with black paint to prevent rust. Otherwise even now it's air circulation is like a jet. It has got four blades which is of old style and an antique style knob behind to facilitate rotation.

The only part which is not functioning is it's potentiometer. Due to this, fan has the highest speed irrespective of regulator position. We hope that the fan will still stay for very long time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


One more drive! This time its through jungles from Kukke to Dharmastala spanning for 52kms. The speciality is dense jungles and many streams in between. The drive from Kukke to Gundya forest gate is fantastic and has lot of curves. From Gundya forest gate till the 'Dharmastala deviation' is NH-75 which runs from Bangalore to Mangalore. From the deviation till Dharmastala is of semi-ghat type with some steep curves and narrow roads. Through out the journey there are lots of blind spots which one has to be careful about. Watch out for nasty vehicles overtaking at the curves. Since it was bharath bundh, the road was almost clear. However there were some tourist vehicles plying along the way. The places are not densely populated and hence no mob created trouble. However small group of people questioned us in gundya forest gate (which is the best place to catch hold of people since it is busy junction). We told them that our visit pre-planned and God will curse us if we do not do so. Those people let us go after brief discourse. I was about to take up state tax which was high in country but did not dare fearing retaliation in terms of violence [may burn our car :-)]. One of the person warned us that people will pelt stones en-route but nothing such happened.

It is wonderful to drive along such routes especially I love to drive under such conditions [provided roads are good :-)]. Towards Dharmastala roads are only patched but not relayed. So the roads are uneven. The patches may turn into pot-holes during monsoon. There are small pot-holes too. Watch out for them. They can create problems in narrow road.

Watch the video with Ulrich Schnauss Monday Paracetamol music.

Watch my other videos:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Time Lapse Video - 3 [Clock]

The third time lapse video. This time it is the moving clock. Initially I captured in auto mode. However pictures turned out with varying exposures. Also some images had flash due to low light. By that time even battery had drained off. After battery was fully recharged, I tried with Manual aperture mode by setting F3.1 and slightly over exposed to +1/3. This gave camera shutter speed of 1/4s. Since the camera and clock were steady, this shutter speed did not cause many problems. Also due to low light camera had to expose for long time so might have chosen less shutter. The canon sx 210 IS does not come with full manual mode. At-least one of them is chosen by camera (shutter speed, exposure value or aperture).

So here is the video. Watch and enjoy. Share if you like and comment if you have suggestion.

Watch my youtube videos:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Time Lapse Video - 2 [4 in 1]

Here is the continuation of Time Lapse videos. This time the images were taken in my native village paadoor near kaup, Udupi district. One fine afternoon, I was sitting idle. There was heavy breeze from west as an indication of Monsoon Beginning. I saw the trees and paper on the table flying along the breeze. This gave a thought for creating time lapse video.

The first two were taken in AUTO mode. The first one is a cloth and paper flying along the wind and the second one is fluttering of trees and plants. I did not have tripod and hence used table to have steady frame :-). The second one though bit shaky since I could not get proper elevation in camera.

The other two were taken next day morning. The monsoon was about to begin and consequently lots of clouds floating around sky. With wind pushing the clouds faster, it was right time to capture time lapse. The first was around 10AM and the second one was filmed around 12:00PM. It was hot and humid so both the times I had to adjust shutter, aperture and exposure to have clear view of sky and clouds. In the first case the shutter speed and exposure were set manually (1/1600s, -1ev) and in next case aperture and shutter speed were manually set (F7.1, 1/2000s).

The first video was taking along with stool in the coconut plantation. My mother was surprised and asked me what I was doing. I told will explain later. The stool made sure that the frames were steady.

The second video was taken under hot sun. The camera was kept under hot cement roof of the house. My mother became furious seeing this. Somehow I convinced her that camera would be fine. I guess the images were taken for 5-10 minutes. Fortunately camera sat steadily on the roof and hence I grabbed nice interval pics. After the session, my mother inspected the camera for correctness. It was too hot and mother got angry that I will make mess of my camera. I showed her the time-lapse (approximate) by fast scrolling the images on LCD screen.

The video was created using KDENLIVE. One can create slideshow clip in KDENLIVE to get desired speed. For ex:

If you select 5 frames for an image and there are total 90 images and you select 30fps as frame rate, then the calculation goes as follows.

Duration of video = [(Number of frames per image) * (Number of images) ]/ (frame rate)

In above case, duration = 5 * 90 / 30 = 15 seconds [Simple math nothing special :-)].

You can increase or decrease duration by increase or decrease frames an image can take. More the frames/image slower is the time lapse and vice-versa. Ex: For clouds, one may want to have faster time-lapse while for sunset one may choose slower.

So here is the video! Watch and enjoy. Share if you like it and comment if you have suggestions.

Warning: Using intervalometer script may decrease the camera shutter life. So use it only when required :-)