
Friday, June 7, 2024

A summer walk around village home

Native visit has been rare nowadays. Kids schooling mandates us to absorb the city life for most part of year. Fortunately, the final exams were done quite early which enabled us to visit native in March itself. After few days of attending functions of relatives, I had chance to roam around our village house for an evening summer walk. The humidity is high but environment is pleasant. No negative thoughts, mind feels relaxed looking at those trees. I took kids along with me so that they have some refreshing time.

Plenty of clouds dragged to mainland thanks to sea breeze. However, no summer rains yet. Last week it rained for couple of minutes but not significant enough to raise ground water. We walked deep into fields and saw this colorful sunset. Few residents also cultivate jasmine flowers here. These fields pose arid look now which turns verdant during monsoon season.

Jackfruit output is low in our village this year. A low hanging jackfruit which belongs to known people attracted my attention. With less yield this summer, low hanging jackfruit is item of theft when it matures.

This mighty Banyan tree has been culled either due to natural reasons or man made. Most likely during previous monsoon season because this area is considered as sacred by land owner. Wide variety of birds nested and rested on this tree which is now decimated. Not sure if it resurrects back. Hopefully this tree can foster birds in its undergrowth 

Village residents playing cricket amidst lush greens is delightful to watch. Few people play volleyball too during monsoon season. This enjoyment is inexplicable and can only be enjoyed watching/playing.

A net wrapped along the forest periphery. Not sure if it is to prevent ball from entering forest or prevent people from throwing waste into forest?

The dried coconut leaf seemed like snake. Kids were yelling snake! snake! to entertain themselves

The last picture of birds gazing at horizon during sundown. The red-whiskered bulbul and oriental magpie robin were perched on electric cable just enjoying last scenes of day. Meanwhile I left camera battery charger at Bengaluru. So it will take sometime to capture and post bird pictures which was dormant for almost an year.