
Friday, February 19, 2016

Skywatch Friday - Brimming Manchinbele

Monsoon has been vehement over interior of Karnataka rather being usually in Western Ghats. Though we could not witness the glory of Cauvery plunging down the valley of Shivanasamudra, we could watch the other glories nearby Banaglore. One of them was brimming Manchinbele reservoir whose source is Arkavathi River. The indolent monsoon eventually thrived in interiors during its withdrawal time-frame. As a result of 2 months of copious rains, the Manchinbele which rarely swells, filled up after long years. The abundant rains tempted me to visit this place once more which consequently lead to drive of 50kms on a cloudy weekend. This was first visit to my wife as well and she was enthralled to view the beauty of nature. The visit was enticed by the filled Manchinbele reservoir. The rains of yesteryears have filled the reservoir with umpteen water to allure the visitors. Unfortunately the entry is crippled due to foolhardy visitors. The gates are locked due to the drowning of a visitor who were dabbling in reservoir water. One can only enjoy from outside the reservoir arena. Even the farmers denied entry to their fields stating their inability to entertain the visitors to have closer glimpse. This was direct consequence of said incidence which tempted authorities to serve notice to farmers (owning nearby fields) curtail visitors towards reservoir through their fields. Despite all these fuss, it was exhilarating to watch the reservoir from nearby vantage. One can climb further-up to have better frame of the region from the summit of hillock. Apart from reservoir, one can also enjoy the verdancy of region garnished by monsoon rains. This would be right time to visit the location and respire pristine wind away from city! Time constrains thrashed our desire to move up the hill.

Hope you enjoy short footage as well which includes short blue hour timelapse.

For brimming visual beauty of stratosphere visit Skywatch Friday Page


  1. Whoa! I am totally mesmerized by the captures.
    You frame them up so well.

  2. Great clicks. I am sure this must be a place in its full glory after being washed clean with heavy rains. You have captured the awesomeness very well :) I agree with you visitors and tourists should be more responsible.

  3. What gorgeous scenery and sky!
