
Friday, February 26, 2016

Skywatch Friday - Golden hour at Nandi Hills

We intentionally chose to visit the Nandi Hills during the golden hour of Sunset. It would be eye-catching to watch and photograph the Sun sinking beneath the silhouette of hills. We were bang on time and reached the peak on time. But alas! :(. The gate will be closed at 6PM and our enthusiasm was thrashed for a moment. With monsoon taking a break, only few clouds were hovering over the stratosphere. Disgusted with our failure, we cursed ourselves for not noting the hill timings. We climbed the unguarded nearby ridge and wow!! What a beautiful sunset at the western horizon. Perfect light metering by the Sun & clouds :).

I took few shots and later we started descending down the hills. Some more glory ahead :). Eventually our visit paid off to some extent after witnessing golden beauty of Sun. Winter would be appropriate to visit when Sun sinks far too early than the closure timing.

Linked to Skywatch Friday