
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Pay attention to finest details

My older draft post, publishing now!

As you know, I briefly mentioned about new helmet in my Passport Experience post. I did not pay attention to helmet in detail until I reached home. One thing that caught my attention was that tiny notch jutting out of visor. There was no such arrangement on the right side of it. I thought it to be some kind of deformation since it lacked symmetry. The visor is fitted tightly to main unit and it was difficult to lift sometimes. Even though helmet is equipped with toughness, the possessiveness of new item deters us from handling it rough. It was difficult to open the visor smoothly but I never concentrated on that tiny little part. On many occasions the tight visor encumbered smooth release of helmet leading to rough handling until I comprehended this tiny thing.

Yesterday while removing the visor, I accidentally placed my finger on this tiny support. It was then I realized the importance of tiny little thing. That epiphany enlightened me of its purpose. As I placed my fingers on this area, it was smooth opening of visor :-). Overall it took me week to realize the purpose.

Well it taught me lessons too

-- To pay attention to each and every part of the item you own.
-- More than that, innovations need not be complicated ones. It can be as easy as to solve mini problems as well

The ergonomics of helmet have purposes. The tight visor was absolute necessity to avoid the slip when its open. The visor covering full area is also necessary to prevent dust and rain sneaking inside. Perhaps, it's my impatience or negligence or impotence that could not recognize the need of such small thing at the earliest.

At first sight it looks like blemishing the look of helmet. Only when you realize the importance of tiny little things, it's beauty reveals.

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