
Friday, March 2, 2018

Ramblings from first rain of year

07 Feb 2018

It has been almost 2 weeks since mercury levels slumped in Bangalore to as low as 12degree C. It is bizarre to witness chilly weather during fag end of winter season. I have heard numerous cases of health upsets including me. Additionally, the city is smeared with dust arising out of dug up roads intended for utility purpose. As always lethargic/corrupt authorities never revamp the roads unless there is human tragedy. Even I am having deep trouble gliding bike over jerky road. The unevenly spread ballast invite high possibility of toppling the bike. It's common to see many of city two-wheeler riders anxiously teetering over the haphazard roads.

Back on track! The chilly weather looming over the city swiftly turned cloudy yesterday.

The clouds which were isolated, amassed over the skies today :-). The heat index increased and weather abruptly turned hot with blistering sun roasting the skin. Around evening dark clouds gathered over troposphere and started showering the earth. This was the first rain of year and drenching in the first rain is something regarded as unhealthy. It was unseasonal rain too! The unseasonal rains carry a jinx of forecasting poor monsoon rains later in the year. Anyways the rains are welcome respite from dust and pollution of city at-least for three days. The rains intensified as I rode bike towards home. Consequently, I was fully drenched in rain. To aggravate, I did not carry jacket or umbrella for temporary relief. It was just 2 days since I recuperated from severe cold. Hopefully, the drenching won't recur the disease. Co-incidentally whenever BBMP revamps the dreaded roads, out of blue the rains turn up. The rains also reflect the quality of work done by authorities. Hopefully, the revamped roads stay healthy against this tiny downpour. The other problem is it is unable to measure the depth of potholes filled with rainwater. Not all the paths have seen recovery and unfortunately, I rode along those paths. Also too many puddles along the road, mirror the quality of recent works being carried out. The BBMP is constructing drainages at nook and cranny of the city for directing the storm-water towards lakes perhaps. This action item arouse from the torrential monsoon season that pummeled the city last year, resulting in all-time record rainfall. Despite the lessons from nature, the authorities seem to have no seriousness in diligent work and huge puddles on the road mimic them.

The day did not favor me either as I deliberately skipped jacket after gap of one month. That evening, unusual rains poured exactly during my return journey. The rains diminished as I reached home. Nature teaches a lot. Troubles can arise unexpectedly. We need to be prepared always. Nowhere I had strength to thwart rains but preparations were not difficult. In this situation, I was choice-less and it was better for me to ride with troubles!

Anyways, enjoy pictures from the rainy day. The last 3 shots were snapped near Rachenahalli lake. I deliberately chose this path to avoid traffic and to shoot rainy atmosphere. It is exhilarating to behold the rains nearby water bodies.  Hopefully we will conclude with dazzling sunset with hazy free atmosphere in few days and I am eagerly waiting for that moment :-)

Alongside Skywatch Friday enjoy the Rainwatch as well :-)


  1. Sorry you are having so many problems with the rains and the roads. The lake side photos are beautiful and so are your sky photos.

  2. Lovely shots of your rainy day.

  3. We have some rain as well lately here in NYC

  4. Love that first photo. Sorry to hear about your roads. That can be so frustrating, not to mention dangerous!!
