
Saturday, September 8, 2018

When cloud disappears, beauty transpires

24th August 2018,

The vehement monsoon has revived age old reservoirs of Karnataka, rejuvenated the waterfalls and left a valuable lesson to human civilization. When you meddle with nature, the reverse process entails. That is evident from the furious monsoon season that pummeled Malnad regions of Karnataka this year. The district known as Coorg was devastated by the massive floods and enormous landslides wiping out villages altogether. The amount of destruction has made erstwhile human habitats, non-livable. It looks like nature reclaimed all its lost space in partnership with monsoon. The unprecedented deforestation in Coorg due to the growing resort culture, the blatant culling of pristine rainforest for rubber/tea plantations has finally broke the patience of nature and the savage events ensued. The tall pinnacles of rainforest would have withheld such a destruction by decelerating the rains towards ground and also acting as strong foundations for mountains. Alas! they are no more now in Coorg, thanks to modernization and greed. Even after series of disasters, governments are hesitating to revive these rainforests which shows ignorance and irresponsibility. I believe it is not hesitation but speculation of declining profit for greedy politicians. Despite all kinds of scientific improvements, nature teaches us to live within boundary. But this is not being learnt by people here in Coorg. Consequently, more disasters are inevitable. It's time to resuscitate the rainforest for our good!

Back to the main topic. After few scribbles of preaching, the Linganamakki dam in Karnataka also brimmed to its potential due to copious monsoon rains in catchment areas. After gap of 4 years, the water was let out of dam reviving the glory of Jog falls. Unfortunately we visited few days after the event and consequently could not view the exuberance of the waterfall. Nevertheless, the day of visit was not bleak. This time the glory was far exceeding the last visit. It takes a little patience to view waterfall since the cloud cover engulfs the valley thwarting the views of beauty. Initially we also had to contend with massive roar but have patience till nebulous gorge clears. As the clock ticked past 3PM, we finally had a great glimpse of the mammoth waterfall and cheered for the nature. The selfies ensued as well ;-). Once clouds faded temporarily, the jog falls was beehive with selfie takers. I like to grab portraits of landscape and hardly interested in self/selfie portraits :D. Hope you enjoy the beautiful glimpse of waterfall and a short video as well!

When Cloud disappears,
The beauty transpires!

The Flamboyant Jog Falls

Few captures from my better half

On the way back, I was excited to see tall pinnacles of Sharavathi valley sanctuary. It rains more than coorg here but the pinnacles have preserved the stability beautiful mountains. This shows how important is our beautiful rainforests in controlling disaster. At least, these forests should set as an example for mankind to conserve the giant trees.

Here is video. Most of my time spent in waiting for the clouds to disperse away from waterfall. Hence there were hardly any pictures captured.

It is more of cloudwatch than Skywatch :-)


  1. So gorgeous! I can just imagine the sound of that water too.

  2. Awesome water fall shot . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  3. Gorgeous photo captures, and the waterfalls are stunning!!

  4. The video is so impressive. I admire your patience waiting for the clouds to clear (and with people taking selfies). I agree with your comments about the environment. When will we learn? Visiting you from Skywatch.
