
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sea Tides - Part 3

This is last part in Sea Tides series and not the end :-). I frequently visit Kapu beach and every visit has unique flavor. On ending note, thanks to the great support from G+ Nature Photography, Landscape Photography and Skywatch Friday groups.

The boulders quiet the swaggering sea tides pulverizing them to tiny pearls. And when the tides reach the shore, they have more humility than before. However large you grow, let us maintain humility and reach our destination with humbleness.

On closing note, apart from the flamboyant nature, the three part series is dedicated to the beautiful music Andy Blueman "Sea Tides". The new cinematic remix, reflects the beach ambiance post the storm which I exactly remember at the moment. Every rhythm of music was echoed on my ear when my knees dabbled in the gentle sea tides. The ensemble of violin, piano, cello is impeccable which reminds me breathing those calm breeze from Kapu beach even while seated in Bangalore. Such is the magic of his orchestral music. A thumping comeback by uplifting master!

It's all storm till 4:26 but pleasurable as well. The majesty starts at 4:26 when the storm recedes and so the roar of sea. The waning synth-pad at 4:37 is mesmerizing. You will see this waning reverberation at many instances. They are such a pleasure to hear! The enveloped clouds disperse at 4:50. The graduating piano is as smooth as gentle sea tides and builds up for the enticing sunset at 5:32 with soothing breeze.  The melodies reach heaven at 6:00. The cello opens at 6:17 as smooth tides caressing your feet with their gentle sound. The Sun finally opens up at 6:45 paving way for that craving golden hour by shimmering the sea, glistening the sky and opening up the camera eye :-). Watch out for that blissful baseline at 6:45, it feels a lot to me.