
Friday, February 15, 2019

Gravel grave

Digging roads never stops in our area. Many of the newly laid roads are already smeared with murk thanks to rampant digging by private agencies. The roads that are dug, leaves a plethora of agonies to cityzens especially the two wheeler riders. The spine twisting ride on mammoth potholes results in long term back issues.

Sometimes I feel, bbmp has tied up with hospitals by deliberately fracturing the commuters. This unattended gravel may be  someone's grave too!. Many two wheeler riders fall down unbeknownst to such rotten setup. Our main focus on road has shifted from negotiating ongoing traffic to dodging nasty artificial potholes originated from digging. The digging has escalated the traffic jams which were thing of main roads to even residential roads.

Let's cut to chase. The problem is not potholes rather the unattended gravel. I understand the tarmac needs at least a day or two to turn harder but these ballast does not need such a period to mature. Few days after pouring ballast, the Authorities turn oblivion or is it intentionally delayed. May be it is micro contracted each stage involving separate clearance. This delays further work. By the time the patch work completes may be another set of diggers are ready for demolition. Ultimately, the common public are the sufferers.

I remember an incident in Mangalore. Similar digging had occurred and it was unattended for months. Nothing happened. Suddenly authorities were enlightened to repair the road by unevenly spreading gravel over the rotten path. May be some official wanted to pilfer public money. Later the lethargic authority went to sleep without asphalting half baked road. Two days later a bike skidded off the road and fell over the gravel. Unfortunately it turned out to be his grave. The sharp ballast hit his head hard and he was instantly thrown out of earth.

During transit of vehicles over the gravel, some of the stones spread outside the area causing more inconvenience to riders. This is problematic since there is danger of tyre getting punctured but most importantly skidding as mentioned before.

Eerily, it looks like road is constructed solely for digging rather than vehicular movement. Problem is that authorities destroy road in hours and take almost months to recast. By the time surface sees fresh tarmac, a new set of diggers are ready with their tools. This vicious circle is eternal and public unfortunately must bear their money being thrown into dust. Ironically, tax payers need to glide through these bumps and be victim for paying taxes.

Sarcastically, BBMP can think of constructing flyovers all through Bangalore. This will allow them to utilize the ground solely for digging. Look at the screenshot of BBMP complaint page. It considers potholes with MEDIUM priority. The priorities are auto assigned leaving public with no choice to describe severity! May be this is reason, BBMP never repairs road at the earliest and destroys often because road is not the highest priority :D

I am writing this blog 3 weeks after authorities poured gravel on the pot-holed road. The scene has not changed rather turned worst with gravel spreading all over the road. This is all happening in the constituency of so called efficient MLA of Karnataka. If this fact is true, then the state of other constituencies is unfathomable!

Meanwhile, I have raised complaint in BBMP Sahaya page. Let's see what will be the outcome :-)

Below is another scene seen in my village. There is heap of gravel. The road is not even illuminated and the heap of gravel along the sharp curvy road was soon inviting disaster during night. Fortunately, this stretch was soon patched with tarmac and that mound no more exists.

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