
Thursday, February 21, 2019

The other side of Maravanthe Beach

I have visited the Maravanthe beach umpteen times. The redundant visits are never boring. The  landscape has vivid pictures to show during every visit. Some of my landscape photos have come out excellent in this location. Not because I am good at nature photography but attributed to nature's inspiration. It is not the only beach which is abound with beauty here. The nonchalant souparnika river that meanders opposite to the beach equally lures the landscapers. Despite the frequent visits, I never bothered to gawk at the beauty of river. This visit, I was firm to spend more time on the other side for a change. Due to the initial hurdles, I could not spend the evening hours nearby river. It was only during dusk, I visited the river bank.

The initial expression was just wow! I was fascinated by awe-inspiring beauty of river curving gently parallel to the beach. Even though the river merges few kms away from Maravanthe, the beauty is inexplicable. What increases its majesty is the beautiful hinterland comprising of swaying palms and mangroves and he fishermen boats tethered to shore. Last but not least, the peaks of western ghats complement the entire landscape frame. It is due to proximity of these hills, the region also experiences heavy rainfall during monsoon season.

Apart from the nature beauty, there is unique temple situated beside the river. At this place the river takes U-turn which gives feel of teasing the sea. The unique temple hosts idols Lord Vishnu and incarnation of Lord vishnu Varaha and Narasimha.

A newly constructed bridge connecting the beach with hinterland. Earlier, people used boats to cross the river.

The newly constructed bridge across the highway, part of NH-66 four laning project.

Till today, I just had glimpse of river overlooking from highway. Now I had a broader (but not complete) view of the landscapes adjoining to the river

When nature decks-out, the natural beauty ensues. No special skill required to photograph it's charm. Despite the lousy atmosphere, the beauty of the hinterland culminated in stupendous pictures. I can't wait to capture those moments of monsoon season here.

I never forget to recall this beautiful tune of Andy Blueman "Neverland". Tranquility within springs up when the I connect this tune to hinterland. The rhythms of orchestra mirrors the landscapes of river bank. Someday, I will break the slumber to capture those magnificent moments of sunrise percolating over the region smearing golden hue, together with clouds kissing the distant mountains. FOr a change, enjoy the beautiful chillout version of Neverland composed by Amind Two Guys


  1. I think it's important that everyone has a "special place" that they keep going back to. You seem to find yours.

    Worth A Thousand Words

  2. What a beautiful and interesting area. Thanks for showing us the "other side"!!

  3. I wouldn't know what to do during monsoon season.
    Happy Sky.
    Coffee is on
