
Sunday, April 26, 2020

A liitle bit of rain

After days of tantalisation, the pre-monsoon rain finally showered our region but unfortunately just to show its presence. It rained rapidly for a while just to marginally wet scorching ground. The wetland soon turned dry-land due to prolonged dryness on ground. There wasn't enough rain for the ground to gulp. It seemed as if they poured just to cool my anger.

Meanwhile this male peacock was seen perched over the distant tree. Looked like he got wet in rain was drying up his body over tree top.

I desperately miss my telephoto lens which has disabled me to capture such distant beauties. Egrets don't even allow you near them. Somehow stealthily I try to grab their pictures but egrets are quite sensitive to human movements. Not even single picture has come good in my 70mm lens. Peacocks are comparatively less nervous but still elusive for a 70mm. Looks like need to have closer friendship with cattle through which we can convince egrets for a photo shoot :-)

After heavy shower for meagre ten minutes, the clouds dispersed and sky opened up. The moisture clouds turned to insignificant silky canvas which provided good tonal contrast to capture blue sky over green sesame fields. These were captures post rains.

The fallout of such short spell of rain was visible after rains receded and high humidity set in. The positive part was we had slightly cooler night to experience but not without fully throttled fan.


  1. Interesting shots and descriptions. Thank you

  2. Beautiful shots. I can see why you miss your telephoto lens.

  3. Lovely scenery. Sometimes, you have to be happy with a little rain.

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