
Friday, December 4, 2020

Back to back cyclone, lousy weather and magnificent sunset

02 December 2020

The hullabaloo of cyclone progress has been trending among weather enthusiasts in twitter. The waters on Bay of Bengal is going bonkers in recent months. The back to back cyclone formation is one such example. The unbridled enthusiasm on ocean waters is resulting in crazy weather over Bangalore city.  We had the power of Cyclone Nivar and now Cyclone Burevi. We see videos of crazy rains, wild seas and all other manifestation which cyclone carries. But here in city like Bengaluru, none of them can be felt. All we see is mercurial weather pattern. These cyclones especially during winter, brings lousy weather to city. The sunlight absconds for a week, the drizzle make you lethargic and these chill winds, carry all sort of contagious disease. The clothes never dry and body does not warm either. The people need to be on toes during these times to ensure the natural phenomenon do not aggravate the ongoing pandemic crisis. At the same time, the repeated formation of cyclone alludes serious damage to nature

Despite the negative talk, something positive comes up during late evening. The glowing atmosphere is something motivates people like me after irritating weather. The natural phenomenon is not in human control. We just need to face it, accept it and prepared for it. What we can do is preparations based on past experiences. Here are those shots of twilight glowing sky for you.

During the cyclone period, Bangalore people embrace the cold winds, devoid of sunlight and the unrelenting drizzle. Nothing much happens interestingly, be the cyclone reaches near the city or far off. The city always has the same weather pattern :-D. All we can do is wear winter clothes and snuggle down with the blanket.

During the chill winds, the spices and hot tea couple are perfect to rejuvenate sluggish body. Wife prepared this spicy Masala-Puri at home and we enjoyed them wholeheartedly.

I too helped wife in minor tasks like below one. Rolling the Masala-Tea to make it frothy!

We don't know till when the impact of Cyclone Burevi persist. At the time of writing, it is pitch dark here in Bangalore with dead clouds aka arid clouds streaming aimlessly obstructing the sunlight and freezing the city. As per latest news, the cyclone has weakened into depression and stationed somewhere in TamilNadu. It means gloomy days would protract. If you like that sluggish drizzle and bland skies, here is some shots for you from Cyclone Burevi impact. These glimpses are without any edits because there is nothing joyous about them and nearly impossible to beautify the scenes. Happy lazing :-)

And trickling rains to conclude!


  1. Hello,

    Love the pretty pink skies. Your meal looks delicious. Great collection of photos.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!
