
Friday, December 18, 2020

Concluding day of native visit

November 16, 2020

This visit to native was not intentional but driven by family obligations. Nearly 2 months after the visit, we planned to travel back to Bangalore to check home condition. It was not an eventful visit this time primarily due to pandemic. We were not able to leverage the stay to visit few nearby historical places. In terms of monsoon, I would say it was the best. We had record rains clocking 300mm+ in September. Also my interest in bird photography grew astronomically and I am fully involved whenever opportunity appears. The bird series photo sharing will soon be presented in my blog. Stay tuned for that!

The pandemic is shifting our offices to home and this paradigm is enabling me to frequently visit native willingly or unwillingly. I make good use of every visit enjoying multi-dimension view of nature along with improving my photography techniques. The current long visit which lasted for two months and finally getting concluded tomorrow. I am snapping as much as I could and enjoying every single picture nature portrays. The winter has kicked in which implies feeble rains for many months. My intention was to take as many pictures before the green patch over the surface fades away. My enthusiasm was on high today since the opportunity to shoot nature will be stalled till my next visit.

Here are the pictures shot few days before the journey.

The final shot at Hosaadu

Here are the pictures shot during the day of journey. The early morning scenes of coconut trees with azure skies backdrop is something excites landscape photographers. The NE monsoon clouds even though zombie, adds additional charm to entire scene. I swiftly caught these scenes before rushing to begin the long journey.

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