
Monday, January 4, 2021

Daily bug hunting - A notional conversation :-)

The close relation of cattle-egret with cattle is one of the joyous moments for me. The pestering of egrets, the imperativeness of cattle, just reminds us that how tightly dependent is nature. Every life on this earth has purpose and nobody is futile. It is only man who benchmarks life with materialistic realm. Whatever new things man invents, the bona fide nature does not forget its roots. It does just to satisfy its need, unlike man who does everything for greed.

Discourse apart, here are some captures of cattle egret with cow and my own interpretation of their moments. Hope you enjoy. The pictures were shot at Hosaadu village near Kundapura on a hot and humid winter day. Yes, ironically its hot and humid winter day.

Its harvest season here and machineries are roaring on fields. The lack of labour due to COVID and ever increasing labour price, is forcing the farming community to adapt to modern ways of farming. Hence birds have sought asylum in barren land where cattle is tethered. The benign fauna need time to assimilate with modernity and its difficult also since they have limited lifetime. So they try to escape from unknown world as much needed.

Here is how notional conversation kicks in :-) "C" stands for cow and "E" stands for "Egret"

C : Hey buddy! Could you clean up the bugs. The owner has not bathed me for more than a week.

E : Yeah sure. Just keep your anger and horns away!

E : Let me start from here. Hmmm... there is lot to pick.

E : Hey keeps your legs away. I know you get itchy, but that scares me as well. So be cautious on your anger

E : Could you sit down please. I am scared to climb your back.

C : Yeah buddy! It is too hot and sunny. Let me take rest so that you can comfortably pick the bugs.

E : Look that dolt photographing us. Not sure what does he do with it. But I get nervous when he comes near. If he does not disturb much, I can cleanly execute bug fixing.

C : Yeah.. He also looks like bug fixer but in Software field. Look at his table with Laptop and phone. Day & night sits there with rotating fan. Don't know how will he stay fit with sedentary job.

E : Oh is it. So that big black thing is not cannon? I thought he would kill me with that quasi artillery equipment.

C : Hell no, the thing he is holding is canon and not cannon. The thing attached to it known as lens and not explosive. They shoot via that canon through the lens and create picture of us. It does not harm anyone or anything. You continue to clean nasty bugs. It itches a lot.

E : Oh is it. Now I am relieved. Let me clean them up so that you can have good night sleep. Nevertheless, I am going to fly away if that canon guy comes closer. I still don't believe humans. If you bring them closer, they may make recipe out of me.

E: Ah that's one more. Almost done buddy!

C : Ok. He seems to be trustable and I have never seen him eating meat. Its your wish. Now get on with work! Don't poke too hard but

E : OK done for today! Have a great day. Your owner seems to have come.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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