
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Monsoon Diary 2020 - Paddy fields of Arate

Everyday around 4:30PM, I accompany my father in law to Hosaadu dairy to bring fresh milk to house. The local villagers milk during evening time and supply excess of them to dairy. The local dairy then stores them in cold storage before transporting to central dairy. We walk through the main road daily and return via same path. Today after witnessing distant fields, I requested father in law to walk through the fields to reach home to which he humbly accepted.

The egrets were having their pickings amidst the paddy fields. The trail was flanked by lush paddy plants. The walk through the trail is exciting and sometimes tend to loose balance. I was teetering in certain paths which needs experience to walk steadily. It took a bit more time to reach house due to rugged path and intermittent photo captures. The beautiful walk concluded as we neared home. The joyous walk was not without majestic bucolic view of green fields shining against the azure skies. That tonal contrast is definitely not an exaggeration. Hope you enjoy the pictures too!


  1. ...monsoons are something that I really don't have an understanding of. They help to produce a green landscape!
