
Monday, February 22, 2021

Bird Series - Asian Koel

We hear their melodious sound every day especially early in morning. These birds represent melody symbol in various literature work of India. Usually the melodious singers are awarded title preceding with koel. In our village, I have seen them mostly on fruit trees. Wikipedia says that koels is omnivorous but I have seen them only eating fruits till date. They lay eggs in house crow nest due to similar colour. The crows deceived by colour initially, foster them until they hear a different voice, after which they chase them away. This is what villagers used to narrate us during childhood. They are not difficult to shoot as well. The contrast between eye and body makes it easy to capture on decent lens. Most of the pictures were shoot in backyard. They are commonly seen behind our house where the mango tree stands with abundant fruits. Sometimes I feel that they have serious demeanour and glowering face. The male have black plumage while females have textured brownish plumage.  I do possess decent pictures of them. So lets browse through one by one

The first time I caught was one of female in backyard.

Some more of them perched on treetop

Looks extremely angry. Had a fight with some bird (don't remember)

Lets come to male. Their melody is better than females. The below pictures were caught when the bird was basking in sun to ward-off morning chill

And this one during casual cycle ride

Here are some pictures of male relishing mango fruit. Jungle babbler wanted a share but was strongly rebuked :-D

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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