
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bird Series - Greater Racket Tailed Drongo

One of the common bird at our native village. This bird generally perches high but sometimes visits backyard. Every morning it makes that unique mimicry comprising of multiple sounds. It sounds like toy harmonica at times. I generally spot them early morning or evening time. Despite spotting them frequently, their shy nature was hindering to capture a decent image with 300mm. On a lucky day, this bird was seen perched on our backyard on the usual cashew tree mimicking the rufous treepie sound. Initially, the bird was confused with shutter sound, fortunately it did not spot my presence since I was behind the window. Later the bird ignored the shutter sounds since it was busy with its own work. This allowed me to shoot decent images of bird with great details. Being evening time, the tree was well lit which provided good shutter speed to capture sharp images. I do not want they eat, because I have never seen them foraging till date. Here are the pictures shot while rufous treepie and drongo were bickering. Probably, former did not like the mimicry. It seems this mimicry helps them to deviate attention of other birds. I was extremely happy that eventful day and hence sharing all the pictures

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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