
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Bird Series - Indian Roller

I saw this bird couple of days ago and was fascinated by its wing colours. I thought it to be some migratory bird but Wikipedia data says its common bird spread throughout India. I caught this bird today while cycling between the fields. The bird was sitting on the barren field anxiously and alone. It was looking randomly as if it landed on unknown place or lost its herd. I snapped the bird clearly and presence of sunlight helped a lot. I took many pictures of this lovely bird due to maiden spotting. The bird seemed to be immersed in foreign thoughts due to which it did not heed to my shutter sounds. I saw it on another occasion also but was bit distance to capture on 300mm lens.

Hey you know where are my family?

Oh! You just photograph us and not help us

I am hungry, let me see if I can get some bugs over here.

You are still here!

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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