
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Bird Series - New Year New Home for Yellow footed Green Pigeon!

I have been looking for birds recently when I realized the true potential of my telephoto. Since then, I have spotted nearly 15-20 types of birds nearby village. Although opportunities are bleak in Bangalore, I hope to find at least some near lakes. I am documenting bird spotting in blog prefixed with "Bird Series". This is just beginning and there are plenty to come. In fact, the first one is already up here. Hope you enjoy!

Let me start with the bird I spotted during first day of Year-2021.

This "Yellow Footed Green Pigeon" was plucking twigs from tamarind tree and transporting it to it's new abode (nearby treetop). It made  almost 4-5 rounds between tree tops in span of 15 mins choosing the best twigs for its new home. I had to leave the place to proceed with daily chores. Probably the process of twig transportation continued for longer time. I Wish the bird to have sturdy nest! I had tough time capturing this bird though wriggling my lens through the tree branches. Even the lens had tough time focusing the bird. It stood steady for a while which enabled me to grab few acceptable shots with 300mm.

Yeah buddy! This looks stronger for my new home

Even the black hooded oriole was curiously monitoring pigeon's move.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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