
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Moments of Sunrise - Winter Sunrise

As I mentioned here, I have been enjoying locations nearby and finding happiness in beholding the beauty of village. Today on my casual cycle ride along the north part of village, I witnessed a colourful sunrise drenching the atmosphere with orange light piercing the dancing fog over the fields. What a memorable moment it was. The coconut trees with orange backdrop is something majestic sight to behold. The traditional houses adjacent to fields enveloped by the string of coconut trees is the favourite composition a landscape cult yearns for. Overall much blessed to see such fabulous beauty nearby my village. The cycle ride every morning is worth the effort. Here are the pictures snapped during the colourful day with my cycle buddy.

To start with, the artistic coconut trees are a pleasant sight to shoot during the sunrise.

The next stop was near the bridge where I spot kingfisher, egrets and herons. People here grow jasmine flowers, watering them manually everyday in aluminium pot. The dew though is not pleasant for these plants which needs to be cleared everyday to keep the plant alive

How can I forget to shoot my eco friendly buddy. The environment remains clean and rider health also improves.

The thirst for shooting the mist filled field is insatiable. Finally, I had to surrender to time to get started with office work. Overall a great day and satisfying one.

Here is a shot clip from that colourful day!

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