
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Monsoon Diary 2020 - End of South West Monsoon season

On 30th October, MET department declared end of south west monsoon season for the year. It is quite emotional to bid adieu to my favourite season. The clouds from west had stopped streaming and the eastern clouds had become active. This was enough to say that monsoon has ended. Hope we have healthy North-East monsoon season as well which helps us to retain groundwater till fag end of summer i.e. May. 

End of monsoon is indicator for outset of harvest activity. People resort to modern machinery nowadays for quick retrieval of paddy from fields. This also relives the menace of ad-hoc rains and also monitoring the labourers. I have some clips for you.

And couple of timelapse

It drizzled after couple of days. But they were not precursor to further rains. This was influence of cyclone over the distant seas

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