
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Monsoon Diary 2020 - Sunset at Maravanthe beach

The itinerary to native place never completes without visit to Maravanthe beach. We had splendid to view as well. It is almost end of monsoon season but still sparse clouds were seen streaming from west. The scene was like there would be no more rains further. Things did change in later days before MET department declared cessation of South-West monsoon from India. For now, enjoy pictures from the bustling Arabian sea. Marvanthe beach provides splendid perceptions for both mornings and evenings due to presence of River at east and sea at west. The monsoon season can be fabulous throughout the day for landscape lovers if the rains are not pelting!

Westerlies are still active but rains have subsided. The sea was relatively calm although there was substantial cloud activity started building during twilight hours. We had fun in sea water and also tiny photoshoot seated on the boulders of break waters. My kids though still phobic about the sea tides. Somehow they feel it difficult to adjust with raise & ebbs of sea with roar.

We had wonderful evening basking under the evening Sun and breathing breeze from sea. The pandemic made us choose isolated area to maintain social distancing. It is not difficult to choose private area in Marvanthe beach due to its expansiveness. The breakwater structures adds much needed objects to beach composition.

The sparse clouds during evening gradually began turning massive at the end of day

Couple of clips to conclude the scenic journey

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