
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Sankranthi Stroll

January 14, 2021

After a streak of unseasonal week, the clouds are not yet obeying to vacate the region. The humid weather is intact which is increasing the summer feel. The uncanny weather had toll in most part of the region which destroyed acres of winter crops. Many of them have lost hopes and abandoned their fields. Yes, hard work wasted and money destroyed. But who can oppose nature? We are facing consequences of our own bad karma.

Today is Makara Sankranthi in India. The Sun trajectory shifts from South to North in Northern hemisphere from today gradually and thus increasing the daytime. This transit time also invites plethora of diseases including common cold. I have been too suffering from 4 days. Today, I had major relief from cold and decided to wander through the trails of fields and enjoy the evening sunlight. The relief from cold also allowed me to relish the festival dishes prepared at in-laws house :-)

My primary target was to capture birds which I could not execute satisfactorily though :-(. Despite the bad day in birding, there is lot of reasons to be happy for! The reflection of clouds over the still pond and sunset over fields was enough to offset the lost motivation!

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