
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Bird Series - Brahminy Kite

There is no need to mention this bird in India. Spread throughout the country including urban areas, this bird is primarily a scavenger. I have seen it feeding on dead animals at many places. These birds circulate high above the ground waiting for some prey to be dead :-). When perched open, the small birds also look above at times to check if the kite is in striking mood :-). I have seen bulbuls and mynah constantly staring above to check kite's movements. Once they spot a dead prey, there is no stopping them unless dogs chase them away. At times, flock of crows also successfully chase the brahminy kites away. They are easily recognizable with reddish brown plumage and white neck. It is also believed that, the circulation of high number of kites brings rains to the region and there is scientific reason connected to it. Their sound hears like crying baby which is easily recognizable. Here are pictures caught at Hosaadu village when it was on ground having meal.

I spotted the bird at my village for first time near monsoon stream. Looks like it was waiting for someone to hunt bird and steal from them :-)

With peacock!

Let me see who gets what. I can have share from them

Hey buddy! Hope you only photograph me and not my robbery :-)

OK. Still no one has the prey.

What is this guy doing still?

Let him do whatever he wishes. I will do my job. Otherwise will go hungry

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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