
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Bird Series - Common Hawk Cuckoo

I love this bird's long call. cuckoo-cuckoo-.... and goes on loud gradually and entire village reverberates in melody. The bad part is they are not visible so easily. Every morning and evening, they sing with loud calls. What a powerful call it is. They are loud but still melodious. Hidden inside the canopy or thick foliaged trees, these birds call out loud which makes it difficult to capture them. Also they are shy in nature. So how did I capture them? Thanks to surprise rains, one more bird in my list. This bird got wet by surprise rain which was drying in abandoned field. I did notice but it did and flew away. That would have been fantastic opportunity to capture the bird closely. Later, the bird came out of canopy and perched atop the usual bland tree which enabled me to capture some shots for record. This is not decent shot still but good for 300mm lens. I love its striking eyes like the hawks. The next day, it stayed for a while in backyard and close to window. I did not have camera unfortunately. By the time, I picked up camera, the bird had disappeared and I was disappointed. Just sharing pictures of distant spotting on eventful rainy day. These rains can bring unique birds also into the picture. I moved near to the bird but it flew away due to squabble with Ashy Drongo. Sometimes I feel, these drongos start unnecessary fights :-)

I have superstition or positive belief that if I don't capture a bird well and scribble about the moaning, in subsequent days I would get clear opportunity to shoot them detailed :-). Hope this comes true for common hawk cuckoo. I am eagerly waiting to shoot better frames of it.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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