
Monday, March 8, 2021

Bird Series - Dark Fronted Babbler

I heard tit-tit sound under the scrub one fine morning which I assumed to be a kind of fly but later turned out to be a tiny bird with full of agility. I ascertained its name from one of birder in twitter as Dark Fronted Babbler. I love it attractive eye which looks like snake. The dark plumage at the front gives the name as dark fronted. The fidgety bird was difficult to capture. Their unrest behaviour is something old cameras cannot focus. AT one moment they hide under scrub and swiftly become visible. This oscillation is something difficult to forecast further :-). Fortunately, the bird was curious of shutter sound which made it to sit steady for a while. I got one good image of this bird since the camera was ready. On spotting during another occasion near the house canopy, the fidgety bird was impossible to capture. I had caught few but many of them were out of focus. The images eventually did not find space in flash drive due to poor focus.

I have only two images to share for now

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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