
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Bird Series - Eurasian Whimbrel

These coastal birds always stand over boulders of Kaup beach. Every visit I  see them and every visit I get annoyed. The best time to shoot them is during the day time when the boulders are soft lit by Sun provided the birds are also perched at same position 😁. The evening shooting needs to be against the Sun which means overexposed, silhouetted images. Same was case when I photographed them for second time. The pictures are posted just for record. Someday I hope to visit the beach during morning hours just to shoot these birds! These birds similar to pacific herons, pick its prey which are propelled by the waves towards the shore. Theirs bills are attractive with abrupt curve. This setup I think helps it to pick food from rugged boulders. The bird seems to be coastal migratory as per information from internet

Hey buddy! Everyone seems to enjoy bathing in waves. How come you are staring at me? What's that black thing with you?

The waves were too harsh when I pictured them. The birds stood idle for longer time before they started picking some food.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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