
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Bird Series - Grey headed Swamp Hen

Welcome to Bangalore birding! Something I saw positive with respect to birding in Bangalore. The Amruthahalli lake though contains city's affluent, is brimming with aquatic birds who forage on marsh lands. There are plenty of egrets, swamp hen and some ducks. Let me start with something colourful. I have not seen these purple coloured, grey headed swamp hen at my native. May be they have a different habitat. I spotted them here at Bangalore. The disappointing part is the birds are quite shy. They were feeding at middle of lake which needed good focal length for crisp captures. Some of them which were near the lake fence ran away when I approached the boundary. Some of them were under shade which camera found difficult to focus. Hopefully, I can capture them clearly on lucky day under guidance of sunlight. Their constant flicking of tail and movement of body is the hardest part to capture in low shutter speeds. I am unsure of food habits, probably insects that reside on marsh land and minor aquatic species. Here are introductory pictures for you which were shot for record.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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