
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Bird Series - Indian Golden Oriole

I still have confusion if it is Indian or Eurasian golden oriole. From comparison, this bird looks to female Indian Golden Oriole due to extended black mark behind eye (correct me if I am wrong). I was lucky to capture this on fine morning when I stood still near the berry tree located in our backyard. The bird did not recognize and I was happily clicking. The bird is edgy of humans otherwise. I have seen on many occasions the bird swiftly hiding inside canopy or flying away to distant tree. This was lucky shot for me. Their screeching voice is not pleasant to here though :-). They have pleasant voice too! Most of my spotting were during squabble and consequently I only heard their harsh voice. The screeching hears similar to common iora at times but iora has long melodious call alongside. I have seen them eating berries alone when no birds around. Either it does not seem to like presence of other birds while picking berries or its too timid to handle. Here are the plenty of pictures shot on that luckiest day!

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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