
Friday, March 5, 2021

Bird Series - Pied KingFisher

This was genuinely a lucky shot. The pied kingfishers also have relatively larger body like stork billed. With ample sunlight, this should be easy to capture unless bird does not fly away. On my evening cycle ride, I spotted this at the usual monsoon stream. I was standing idle at the pond where generally aquatic birds rest. All of sudden a strange new voice appeared and this bird perched on the fallen branch. I recognized it soon. The steady perch for a while allowed me to shoot some pictures. The light was low but its steady perch allowed me to grab decent shots. Shortly after capturing 3-4 images, the stork billed chased it away. Looked like the stork-billed was jealous of shooting only pied kingfisher which was my maiden spotting :-). Jokes apart, I was annoyed by its behaviour but cannot interfere in biological cycle. Here are pictures for you! I hope to spot it in upcoming days when sunlight is considerable.

The stork-billed arrived. Let me dive and grab some meal before moving ON. Bye buddy, see you sometime soon.

Not sure, if it was successful in catching its meal

The stork-billed chased away pied kingfisher and perched on same location. Glad to see this bird nearly after a month.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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