
Friday, March 5, 2021

Its raining fog during summer

04 March 2021,

Here comes March and expectedly the humidity is soaring. The inexplicable and astonishing event is the continued fog formations in our region. It seems, the phenomenon is restricted to regions nearby and not extending beyond 20kms radius. This weather pattern is confusing people and also intimidating farming community who are engaged in Til (Sesame) & Jasmine cultivation. The dew drops are problematic for healthy growth of crops & flowers. On the other hand, the fog today has increased its intensity after a gap of two days. The subsiding fog formation from past two days triggered hopes of outset of full fledged summer. But the pattern of extreme fog repeated today. Probably this was intense than one we witnessed last week. The fog which was restricted to fields had extended to house as well. We could see fog formation nearby well. Nobody is able to nail down the cause of unusual fog formation. This weird combo of fog and humidity is triggering fresh wave of infectious diseases like common cold and fever.

To begin with, I have not edited any of the images below. This post is to depict the story of stroll and not to flaunt photography skills :-P. As usual, I went for a stroll to feel and picturize the foggy landscape. The trickling dew drops from canopy resembled drizzle. The ground was also wet beneath the trees. This canopy of birds which usually abuzz with flying activity was silent.

Lets begin blabbering with positive note :-D

The visibility is poor after a distance. We don't recognize the road beyond. If you stay, you will get stuck and become immobile. But as you move closer, the visibility clears and path unleashes. You can move on further. If there is no path, change directions! In our life, we can't predict future. Hence keep moving in present rather than stuck thinking about future. As future turns present, the path becomes more clear. If the future path is blocked, change directions.

The Sun seemed like moon. The frustrated morning Sun could not overpower the dense fog and seemed to be short of energy. Looks as if burning star is just a speck in vast landscape.

He looks ashamed later for not being able to shun the fog on a tropical land and hid behind for a while when I was photographing him.

He came back again to face the reality

The fog over our plantation and house is plenty!

The birds are also confused. Nobody is singing yet. Even the daily singer our beloved red whiskered bulbul was also silent. Generally I don't here common hawk cuckoo's energetic melody during fog. Looks like they love only clear days :-D. Only the racket tailed drongos were creating intense sounds. Probably, right time to steal food due to darkness :-). 

This green bee eater cannot hunt due to poor visibility. It was perched on electric line idly for long time without moving.

Oh man what a weather! My breakfast is delayed by fog. This photo moron has come again amidst the disaster.

The egrets were seen perched at same bland tree.

What? Mating on electric pole? Quite electrifying! Hope they won't get electrocuted. These spotted doves seem to be engaged. The fog gave good amount of cover for privacy.

The cameras too was finding it difficult to focus. I had to steady my hand to get proper focus.

This fidgety bird got wet while jumping branch to branch in the tiny tree. While it was shaking off body to disperse water from dew drops, I was busy shooting it. Soon it recognized me and chose another unreachable destination to dry itself.

Buddy, stop pursuing me. I am busy cleaning myself.

The purple rumped sunbird got a tasty grab.

The dew drops on the tree branches

Finally around 8:15AM, the fog magically disappeared in jiffy. The ashamed Sun seemed like radiated with full energy to silence the might of fog. Here is a short clip to conclude. The fog formation though looks beautiful, is haunting and daunting the residents of village.

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