
Sunday, March 14, 2021

MahaShivaratri Waves

11 March 2021,

Today is Lord Shiva's today. Prominently known as MahaShivaratri, this day marks end of winter season and outset of summer in India. The heavy breeze for couple of days indicate that we would soon start to feel heat over the region and in coast 95+ humidity. Today we visited Kapu beach again and interestingly the beach was heaving. This beach is consistently gaining popularity throughout Karnataka which is good news for local vendors. The presence of ample bins keeps the beach cleaner.

Before we started our journey towards Kapu beach, look who wished happy moments for us. Its our daily visitor "Black Rumped Flameback"!

The heavy breeze although was absent today, the beach was violent. The sea tides were energetic like the monsoon season. I snapped plenty of them alongside engaging the kids with sea play. I took some sea bird pictures which came out decent but not sharper. Here are pictures for you. Happy festival to all of you. May lord Shiva bless the earth with good health and prosperity.

After day long sultry, cloudy weather, the Sun wriggled out of clouds at 6PM. The eurasian whimbrels continued their hunting session.

People especially the non coastal residents seemed to enjoy the jumping waves.

I am happy that today also my kids took bath in sea water enthusiastically!

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