
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Murudeshwara visit after a decade

After a long gap of 10years, we had an opportunity to visit this beautiful temple town today. During our pilgrimage visit to Idagunji, we temporarily stopped at Murudeshwara temple to rejoice the fascinating nature bounding the temple and feel the energy of Lord Shiva. The breeze was high and the heat too! The temple town was crowded obviously due to weekend. The parking space was full near temple. We headed straight towards Shiva statue which allowed us to visit BhuKailasa cave as described in this post

Before visiting the artificial cave, we had plenty of photographic sessions to quench our photography thirst. The visit after a longer gap was rewarding with haze free azure skies providing perfect platform to shoot clear pictures. The piled up backlogs were cleared for now :-D. I took plenty of shiva pictures at many angles. The beauty of UttaraKannada can only be felt in reality.

Ravana requesting Lord Ganesha disguised as Brahmachari to hold the Atmalinga till he finishes evening Sandhyavandana

The chariot of Arjuna and Krishna where Krishna taught mankind the timeless Bhagavad Geetha.

Your majesty My Lord Shiva

Later we visited Shaneshwara Temple nearby. What an auspicious day to visit the temple which was Saturday. Being Saturday, the temple performed special ceremonies to Lord Shaneshwara.

There were plenty of house sparrows here! I missed my camera a lot. Somehow in hurry, I forgot the camera at home :-(. This was negative part of journey. Really opportunity to shoot house sparrows were missed :-(. What a melody they possess. Should have captured short video at least :-(

Unfortunately, dearth of time  pulled us back from visiting Murudeshwara temple which was primary  disappointment. Our primary target was Idagunji temple and hence dropped visiting the main temple.


  1. Looks like a beautiful and inspiring location!

  2. it is interesting to visit the same location after that many years. nice shots.
