
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Not every situation is coincidence!

04 March 2021

Welcome to yet another discourse :-D. Today evening during cycling, one of daily walker interrupted me and started conversation. He asked my biography and my interests. His assumption was I left corporate job and started full time birding (That would be dream if it happens :-D). It was 15 minutes of friendly conversations before we parted. Cycling me, started strolling through dense forest canopy. Those 15 mins would have been precious since the Sun is almost disappearing from western horizon.

As soon I began strolling, this plum headed parakeet perched over the bland tree. That was beautiful moment. Even though I could not shoot decent pictures, that's my nearest encounter till date.

A red whiskered bulbul was singing and cleaning its body. Looks like it had a short bath in nearby stream to ward-off summer heat. Looks like it got disappointed for not heeding to its call :-). Later I shot one picture.

Hey buddy! Just because you see new birds, do not forget capturing us as well. We are always friendly with you humans.

Few distance more, I saw this white browed wagtail pretty close. Here are pictures. These birds are habituated to humans I believe. They are not nervous when humans approach and easier grab than red-whiskered bulbul or jungle babbler.

The biggest surprise was this pied kingfisher. The delay and patience finally paid off and one more spotting into my list.

The bird which I was missing from past one month also turned up. The stork billed kingfisher

The regular white breasted kingfisher at it usual perch point

The Asian Koel Female (juvenile) was preparing for evening song

And finally rose ringed parakeet.

Not all situations are coincidence. Destiny wished me good luck for spotting new birds by interrupting my birding for a while. The conversation delayed my birding but at the same time enabled me to spot and shoot new birds. Especially pied kingfisher was a surprise. I believe the interruption and ensuing delay was intentional to spot new birds and rejuvenate myself. I thank the good karma which created interruption and made my beautiful. I firmly believe that not everything in the world is coincidence!

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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