
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Bird Series - Wood Sandpiper

I have seen common sandpiper at my native. This is not my first spotting of wood sandpiper either :-). Thanks to my ignorance, I confused these birds with common sandpiper. When the bird was foraging near the boundary of Amruthahalli lake, I observed the spots on its body. It was then realized that they are not common sandpiper. Unlike the common sandpiper, these birds do not bob their tail often. The common sandpiper used to wag its back for every movement. Also I found the wood sandpiper to be smaller in size than common sandpiper? (may be wrong). These birds are easily distinguishable from common sandpiper due to the spots over the white belly (looks like breeding plumage). The birds probe in shallow water or wet mud (as I have seen) for insects or other prey. Here are pictures! Thanks to morning Sun and the proximity of birds to the lake boundary, the pictures relatively appeared detailed.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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