
Monday, April 12, 2021

Bird Series - Yellow Billed Babbler

Never expected to spot the Yellow Billed Babbler at amruthahalli lake. Probably the thicket due west is ideal for foraging and nesting. Unlike the Jungle Babblers, these birds averse to dense vegetation. They are seen near dry woodland or shrubs. The birds distinction from Jungle babblers is the pale yellow crown in contrast to its body colour. Like any babblers, the birds feed on insects. I spotted these babblers while they were basking in the morning sun. Most of them turned out of focus. Thanks to the maze of dry twigs and their identical colour with birds, the camera focused elsewhere. I did not notice the poor focused image as well. Before I could choose a nice spot to openly shoot the babblers, they flew towards the dense undergrowth. Here are pictures. Hopefully I can capture good images of these birds in subsequent photo-hunt.

Initially, this bird was alone perched.

Later looks like its partner joined the preening. So the partner which arrived later, started allopreening. Conclusively, partner must be male trying to impress female :-).

Don't worry about the dolt dear. He also peeks into the affairs of birds like us. He wont publish to news channel. Lets continue our romance.

Look at the contrasting colours between head and body

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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