
Monday, April 5, 2021

Shoot me boy!

01 April 2021

Today during concluding part of Amruthahalli Lake, I saw this white breasted Kingfisher perched on the fallen bush, staring at dried lake bed for any prey. I tried to shoot the bird but it was distant from my position. The initial pictures turned out bad. It saw me holding camera too!  In matter of minutes, not sure what happened, the bird voluntarily flew and perched on the bush near by position. The camera could easily focus on the bird with 300mm focal length. It seemed as if the bird flew nearby to say "Hey buddy! Do not worry shoot me easily. I trust you :-)". The pictures turned out well but 50% of them were out-of-focus :-(. The bird seemed to be sad and anxious. Here is a notional talk of its movements.

Nothing seems to be working out today :-(

Hey buddy are you shooting me? Let me come over there.

Hope you can focus clearly from here!

Am I loosing focus like this out of focus lens?

The days have become darker like the underexposed images

Today is April fool day. You guys are fooling us in name of nature enthusiasts and claiming to be protector of us!

Hope you are happy with my pictures! I am moving to other side of Lake to check if I can get food. Goodbye buddy.

On sad note, it seemed that the bird lost habitation or privacy to hunt. The clearing of dense weeds and vegetation has reduced the bird activity around lake. The intense heat is drying the water body and the food supply also draining for birds.

It seemed like Kingfisher was moaning "Rather than shooting us, shoot us to death :-(. We don't have place to go and you humans are extremely greedy! What is the point in getting clear picture of us and show-casing to world for your gain without heeding to our conservation & concerns. It is just act of greed by humans rather than true love towards nature :-(. You seem to be more worried about the out of focus picture but not the outcast creatures".

Later bird flew away to another location in search of food. Looks like it did not find anything at both the locations. I witnessed reduced bird activities after clearing of bushes and trees.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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