
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Water Lilies at Hosaadu village

This was caught somewhere during November 2020 timeframe. Every chained paddy fields need leave space in between to facilitate walking for everyone and also drain excess rain water towards channel. This channel is connected to river to drain excess water. When it rains heavily, the backpressure from river floods the fields. But this happens when it rains energetically for entire day. When the channel has flow of water, then it is difficult for anything to grow.

My stretched walk along the fields turned out to be fruitful during harvest time, I happened to see this channel by chance. The water was motionless which had helped water lily growth. Fortunately, the tele-lens which I had helped me to grab good close-up shoots including mirror image of the flowers. I loved the captures and also loved the egrets boldly picking insects amidst the operating harvest machine. This channel is completely dried in January. Implies, water lilies also had vanished.

Not everything turned out well! The below image is slightly overexposed which is difficult to rectify. One thing I learned is when you are shooting with bright Sun, never use spot metering :-). The centre-weighted-average would give enough shutter speed with appropriate exposure.

And this myna was picking something from field


  1. ...I will have to wait to see water lilies here, thanks for the preview.

  2. Magnificent water lily photos and great mina bird too ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Those water lilies are spectacular!!

  4. Wonderful photos! I don't often get to see water lilies where I live.

  5. Greetings and Salutations! My favorite photos are of the water lily reflection. I thought that the plants were dancing and then the music stopped and that is what you caught. Awesome!
