
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bird Series - Indian Grey Hornbill

26 May 2021

Lock-down has become stringent but what?! Surprise blog on bird series! Sorry, don't call police, I have not breached any norms. I am still locked inside house with movements restricted to apartment premises. But nature gave a surprise during our evening walk at apartment terrace! It was none other than Indian Grey Hornbill. The surprise visitors invigorated the day of burnout and provided sequel for "Bird Series" post :-).

As we were strolling at apartment terrace, fortunately we spotted the bird couple with unique physique flying close to us. One of the bird perched nearby tree top (not so near) and not sure of other. The second one would have been lying somewhere nearby. Looks like they needed a break. When examined the picture from camera after capturing, I realized it was Indian Grey hornbill which have habitats in cities as well. They have greyish plumage with red iris (from picture). The casque is shorter when compared to birds from Western Ghats. I have not seen their food habits so cannot comment on that. Looks like they are omnivorous.

Hope to nature bestows with such surprises often. Wish to see the bird again and have closer snap :-). The perched bird flew away after fleeting stay of 10 mins. Here is short clip.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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