
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Bygone golden time

Here is assorted pictures of sunrise/sunset pictures from bygone golden times. I call them "Golden Times", because they feel extremely precious now.  We long for exotic trips but God teaches us lesson when we loose control. He makes you realise that there is so much beauty in your backyard to cherish. He makes you realise the importance of every critter on this earth. The morning/evening golden light of Sun is now elusive as well. With people locked inside house even the backyard gazing of golden light is turning out be daunting task. The pandemic though slowly reducing, cannot be deemed as extinct. Extreme vigilance and discretion needed before venturing out. We pray God to heal this pandemic soon and relieve people from disease. At the same, let us promise god to be less greedy, honour every creature on earth and enjoy the simple life surrounding us.

This is picture of sunrise from Amruthahalli lake. This lake restored my hope of bird photography. It wiped off all the delusions from me which were stuck while returning from native. This lake is best example that beauty is present everywhere. The evening walk to this lake was major rejuvenation for me. Hopefully we soon see them open.

Nearly after an year, we visited the Jakkur lake when the pandemic was quiet. Here are couple of pictures of sunset. Soon the pandemic surged which disabled us visiting this beautiful place as well. I was elated at this place while spotting pelicans and other birds. Hope to see the place soon.

There is nothing joyous other than clicking the golden hours from my village. These were snapped right after declaration of monsoon withdrawal. Perhaps, the first cloud free day we had in November. The majestic landscape with greener ground is something exciting to click. Here are the pictures from mobile camera. 

And finally our deity Shri Krishna. Let us pray again lord to heal the pain on the earth and lead us to path of simple living. This was captured around August 2020 when the entrance temple was prohibited due to prevailing pandemic.


  1. ...understanding that there is so much beauty in our backyard is an important lesson of life.

  2. Gorgeous sky shots ~ awesome light and nature is such a gift ~ Xo ~

    Living moment to moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Greetings and Salutations! Oh my these golden hour photographs are simply fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Be safe.

  4. Beautiful shots, and we all need to have faith that things will get better.

  5. Very pretty photos. Glad to hear things are slowly improving.

  6. Son maravillosos los colores de tus bellos cielos.
