
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Ray of Hope

The entire country is clouded by pandemic. At this time, the reduction of cases has triggered hope and reduced the fear in citizens. There is ubiquitous loss be it in lives, job, confidence. People locked inside house are desperately waiting to go out and get some sun & rain. Nature is best healer. With the Indian monsoon set in, I too want to venture out and get some glimpses of lavish nature. Its not a small world nowadays with pandemic in full swing. Even though we are connected virtually, moving physically outside home also is intimidating. Perhaps, we underestimated a lot on vastness of mother earth.

The country is clouded by pandemic. At this time, lessening pandemic grip and increased vaccination numbers are Ray of Hope like the sneaking evening Sun above the clouds. Hope the pandemic vanishes soon and normalcy restored as before. Alongside, lets not forget the valuable teachings of this pandemic.


  1. I am so ready for the pandemic to end. For political reasons more than 2/3 of the people in state I live in are refusing to be vaccinated.

  2. Awesome sky shots ~ great capture of the clouds and light ~ Be safe ~ be well ~ Xo

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Yes there is hope behind that ray, take care and stay safe
