
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Birding at Amruthahalli Lake this week - Few new joinees

30 June 2021

Every Wednesday is reserved for walk around Amruthahalli Lake to enjoy & capture avian creatures. In continuation of my birding series, here is short post of this week's birding.

The weather can turn uncanny. Yesterday it was bright blue and was expecting same since break monsoon was in place. Unfortunately, we woke up to overcast morning with arid clouds blocking morning Sun. The break monsoon is in effect. It is weird that during our childhood no such term existed. The west coast was being savaged by pelting rains during June/July season. Nowadays, monsoon pattern seems to have deviated. We see break in rains for nearly 2-3 weeks and thus increasing worries of farming community. The next spell rains would only be after July 11. Hopefully the rains commence even before.

Meanwhile the overcast skies disappointed me extremely. Most of the captures were taken with ISO800 resulting in grainier pictures. Despite that, I was able to snap few good shots when pale Sun was visible. As the day progressed, we witnessed bright Sun but by that time my walk had already concluded. Lets start the journey

Before proceeding to thicket, lets have couple of glimpses of White Ibis, Glossy Ibis and grey headed swamp hen!

Today, thicket was abuzz with birds. Additionally I saw scaly-breasted munia and cinereous tit playing amidst the thicket which added joy despite the overcast skies

Even though I had spotted munias at hometown, capturing them had been tantalizing due to limited lens reach. They were flying away as I approached them. Today I had opportunity to view them relatively close and photograph few. They were in large group and in playful mood. Here are few pictures

The purple rumped sunbird was in no mood to pose. They too were playing and looked grumpy while I interrupted them to photograph

The cinereous tit which I spotted after long gap, presented couple of melodies before leaving

The red-whiskered bulbul as usual enticed us with beautiful melody.

The white cheeked barbet momentarily arrived for photoshoot

The oriental magpie seems to be shy in city. Every time I see only their back and not crossing the median of thicket.

The ever aggressive black-drongo was unnecessarily showing dominance in thicket chasing away other birds.

Ashy prinia is in ever singing mode.

The spotted dove is most laziest of all of them. Just stick to one position and never move

The white throated kingfisher was spotted at unusual location. It did not hesitate to pose for a while on this occasion.

The traces of Sun finally fell on the city pushing the clouds apart

Last batch of birding before concluding the walk.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. I love the sky photos with the tree but the birds. Such beautiful photos of birds I had never heard of before.
