
Monday, August 9, 2021

Lone Shikra

03 July 2021

I feel a lot pity on this Shikra. They are residing at tree nearby apartment. These juveniles are frequently bombarded by group of mynas or drongos which I have witnessed live. Looks like there is competition for dwelling as well. This bird perched on the house pipe for a while drenching under the rain. Unlike pigeons, these birds are not closer to humans and hence no way to cover in human habitation. The other point is the bird had lot of cover nearby its perch. Either it did not notice or unwilling to go due to possible human presence. The bird was anxiously swaying neck 180 degrees whilst inevitably soaking in the rain. At first glimpse, I did not feel like it was deliberately doing that but not sure. Meanwhile my tele lens lost its auto focus capability (may be due to aging) and my future birding looks grim. I somehow manage what manual focus offers nowadays. The budget to buy new lens is also seems far fetched. Till then, I will cherish whatever manual focus offers :-). Here are pictures of shikra. Being closer to our balcony, it was easy grab.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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