
Friday, October 8, 2021

A visit to Hosaadu backwaters after half year gap!

24th September 2021

Entire family of us including our in-laws decided to have walk towards backwaters of Hosaadu village near Kundapura during golden hour of the day. It was impromptu decision executed in jiffy. It has been nearly 6 months since we visited the fascinating backwaters due to pandemic surge. Now its time to behold the beauty of nature again.

The monsoon was on a low pace. The entire day was crisp and clear. The overnight rains provided beautiful evening light and why not the landscape was blushing with beauty. It is always a pleasure to watch the mangrove landscape. The rains had lost pace for couple of days which means the water was not ruddy. Despite the clean water, the evening sea tides did not allow landscape to reflect over backwater. Consequently, I only constrained to grab landscape pictures.

Before the stroll begin, few landscapes from nearby house

Here are the pictures from the short stroll near Backwaters

I had carried bird lens and it turned out to be fruitful. I captured night heron from proximity along with common kingfisher. The backwater predators were busy & focussed to grab their dinner! I saw ashy- prinia and bee-eaters but could not grab it well. Soon this region will see surge of migratory birds. Hope I can stay till they arrive to shoot them in new lens.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. ...I love palm trees, they remind me of Maui.

  2. Greetings and Salutations! Oh my gosh. Looks like heaven. I like the photographs with the palm trees, water and boats best. Have a great week end.

  3. Perfect capture, it's so relaxing with all the palm trees here and there

  4. Gorgeous photos of the sky, palm trees and water and lovely feathered friend photos too ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Beautiful photos. I like the colorful boats patiently waiting on the shoreline!

  6. Beautiful photos, I love the palm trees, they are so nice to see.
