
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Malabar Pied Hornbills in my frame

25 October 2021

The hornbills are daily visitors to backyard. Photographing them needs lot of stealth. Today also I was hunting for its presence by tracing the continuous calls emerging from backyard forest. The calls were from inside dense canopy. I waited for long but bird did not come out of canopy. After long wait, I lost hope and followed my usual path. Just when I was about to move on, this hornbill posed over Casuarina tree and I immediately moved uphill. The bird needs sturdy or strong tree to support its heavy body!

I had couple of captures before one of hornbill recognized my presence and flew away. Not an exciting shot but far better! The evening light was poor again :-(. But camera managed to get decent shutter speed which exposed greater details of the bird. Also I reduced ISO to 200 which added more details into the final frame. Here are shots for you!

The interesting part is, the place nearby is primary highway where substantial vehicle/human movements are seen. However, the bird was quiet for long time. But just I started clicking, the bird seemed to fly away. Strange I felt :-(. Wanted couple more close-ups (greedy me!) badly. Last but not least, 2 days back when I was away to kaup town, these birds had perched for nearly 15 mins just behind our house. Luck is not shining yet to capture these beautiful near-threatened birds. Hopefully, I can trace them again close enough. 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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