
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Winter has not started but migratory birds are back

16th October 2021

The clouds persist every morning. The sunlight is poor which means not great setup for birding. We had religious function yesterday and consequently tired to jog today. I pulled up my camera with new hope. Rather than looking for distant birds, I went straight towards backyard forest hoping for some goodies.

I spotted blue-faced-malkoha again but its restlessness did not allow me to shoot pictures. Later it disappeared to dense undergrowth. I ignored the bird and started looking around. Out of blue, the Indian paradise flycatcher arrived both with cinnamon and white coloured ones. These birds migrate from north India to South during winter. However, the winter has not yet started here in our village but winter migrators are here already :-D. So we have the white flycatchers as well in our village. Hope to snap them in broad daylight some days later.

Meanwhile, Indian golden oriole was fighting with drongos and later settled in tree branch. For few moments, it was looking for source of shutter sound before leaving the perch.

Back to fields, the Asian openbill was grooming its body to gear up for the day. Looks to be pair. 

I spotted common-iora in open for a while. Common-iora is quite common here in our village. Their presence is clear with screech + whistling sound as mentioned in earlier posts. Even though the sounds are familiar, their presence behind dense canopy makes it difficult to snap their picture. I rarely seen them in open. Their witty screech + whistle is teasing photographer "catch me if you can".

White browed wagtail to conclude post. Daily visitor to our house and boldly faces human presence. They are the most easy grabs for birding here at our village along with red-whiskered-bulbul

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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