
Friday, November 11, 2022

Gandhada Gudi 2022 - Beyond the tribute to Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar

I generally do not write movie reviews. Nature being closer to my heart, prompted me to write a brief review of documentary movie Gandhada Gudi - 2022 starring Dr.Puneeth Rajkumar and Amoghavarsha with original identity. The entire natural scenes portrayed in movie is something synchronized with my dreams. I am not sure if my dreams would be realized or not but I have desire to explore breadth and depth of our natural treasure. I have scribbled my experiences from movie in this post. The views expressed here is personal and synonyms are purely co-incidental. At the same time, not intended to hurt anyone's sentiments 🙏.

This is how theatre looked as we entered. It was darn silent as natural world without any watchers. Slowly crowd gathered and screen was full in jiffy.

Gandhada gudi is beyond the final salute to Dr. Puneeth. Be it brilliance of Pratheek's portraying of visuals from our natural treasure or apt orchestral scores of Ajaneesh or those nitty gritty of wildlife narrations by Amoghavarsha, every corner is well knit. But I felt documentary should have been little more descriptive about the birds of the Western ghats ecosystem especially the hornbills and trogons. Perhaps more description should be given as how endangered are these hornbills. Great hornbill need fragile ecosystem to survive. Those tall trees are vital part of their survival. Malabar pied hornbills are benign birds and don't engage in fights. These are hornbill are in endangered list. I have closely seen Malabar Pied Hornbill in my village. When many birds engage in territorial fights, these birds just move away from the chaos.

Similarly the spaces of tiger and elephants. They must be respected. When wild crosses road, respect its privacy. They are crossing road inside forest. The road runs through forest, not other way. It was paining to see the trapping procedure of wild elephants and tuning them to be benign. Such a irony here. The elephants can't be themselves in their own territory but have to adapt to human civilization :-(.

Unfortunately, people wait for star's power packed messages to internalize the importance of wild. People imitate more from cinemas than cognizance hence cinema makers should think through this. Especially the city people do not think beyond the pets they own. A narrow view of conserving pets can brand you with animal lover tag. That mindset should change. The ecosystem is complex and does not comprise only pets. Major balancing happens outside the city in the wild.

While Dr.Puneeth sir has given dire need to conserve wildlife, reducing plastic usage, it is unfortunate that we need star packed messages to educate people. Like city crowd fights to safeguard pets & street dogs during distress, they also need to be sensitive towards wildlife as well. There are animals beyond pets which are greatly endangered and needs attention. When we go an excursion to malnad, it's not our relaxation place. It's the home of wildlife, respect their habitat .

Amogh says nature recovers quickly quoting netranis resurrection. In fact, it takes 100s of years for that beheaded rainforest tree to be restored in full strength before they can underpin the mighty hills. 

"Our customs and traditions saved nature", what a beautiful statement! Similarly nagapanchami in coast. To preserve cobras, nature is must and nagaradhane is synonymous to preserving its habitat which is nature. Hope coastal people are conscious about this fact than constructing concrete abode to serpent god.

Amoghavarsha narration of wild is ready reckoner for wildlife dummies. Below are something worth listening to

The private space for elephants and warning signs from langur monkeys 

Beautiful coral life from Netrani island

About dancing frogs

About snakes and their behaviour

About Malabar pied hornbill (farmers of forest)

Tribals of Kali and their respect to nature

Most of all the hard work of forest guards.

Some of the visually enchanting still in movie

The tiger steps

The relaxing jumbos

Birds including Malabar trogon, Malabar pied hornbill, Great hornbill, junglefowl, crested serpent eagle.

Malabar pit viper

The camp sight inside dense jungle of Western Ghats.

Nerve racking catch of the King Cobra

Beauty of Deccan and bears

Co-existence of humans and wild in Deccan.

The movie is must watch in big screen as per my opinion. Primarily because,

To experience roar of lion and elephants

To experience smooth flight of butterflies

To experience chirping of vernal hanging parrots near agumbe (while capturing king cobra)

To experience acqua world of netrani

To experience the amazing sunset on the banks of Kali river

To experience pearls of monsoon dancing over the tall trees, wiggling through the canopy and slowly bouncing on the floor of rainforest

To experience symphony of rainforest

To experience music of rainforest streams

To experience the dancing sea tides

To experience local traditions

Finally to support the hard working forest guards

Dr.Puneet has shown, to be in wild you need to be common man. It shows his humbleness at the same time. He also reveals truth that never try to be hero in front of wild. Follow the guidelines of experienced wildlife expert! He also has given plenty of messages to people to preserve this Gandhda Gudi. Do watch in big screen to preserve Karnataka natural treasure and simultaneously pay tribute to Dr.Puneeth. Most of all for city people, it shows there is animal life beyond pets.

I reiterate once more. Its unfortunate that people find inspiration from reel realms like movies than from natural cognizance. No urban public raised concern over the cruel projects like Yettinahole which severely tampers the fragile ecosystem. Crores of tax payers money has been squandered by governments on this futile project to replenish the arid lake bodies of South Interior Karnataka. South interior karnataka is witnessing record breaking rains from past 3 years. Most of the lake bodies are overflowing including feigned arid regions like Kolar, Chitradurga, Tumakur etc.. The borewells have resurrected and age-old dams have attained full capacity. There is no need for projects like Yettinahole when copious rains have bloomed the arid region. Just conservation of water bodies will suffice. Don't know why Yettinahole is still underway, that too devastating course reversal of Netravati river. None of the city yellers who fight for pets voice against such detrimental projects. 

That's end of one among many reviews of this documentary movie :-). Nothing exotic or surreal content but yet another blabber. One may term review as superfluous or dump as superficial ramblings by a nature rationalist. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed few parts :-D. Once again, beyond Dr.Puneeth's final presence, please pay due respect to entire movie contributors and help to preserve our natural treasure.

Gandhada Gudi picture credits from internet. Poster copyright is with PRK productions

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