
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Calmer Kaup Beach

This was quite unusual sight during monsoon season that beaches are turning calmer. The lethargic monsoon almost concluded during mid September which is 15 days earlier than actual withdrawal phase. We had sojourn at the beach as part our native visit. Nowadays even Kapu beach is not easy to visit. Visiting native nowadays has also become a rarity. Whenever opportunity knocks, its time to rejoice in ocean melody even if it is for few seconds! We hardly got time to enjoy in waters owing to winter weather. The Sun-down is faster and night creeps in early. Kids enjoyed in play area for a while before we put our foot on sea water. That was hardly 30 minutes spent. 

Beaches in coastal Karnataka are ferocious during monsoon. It's impossible to venture into violent waters. The mighty sea easily gulps anyone who try to dare their tides. But there are times during monsoon when sea is calmer especially when monsoon takes a break. The beaches are far more inviting on those days. The seas roar vehemently during peak monsoon season but far calmer when things thaw. Same ideals apply to us as well. Be confident when things are going right. At the same time, show humility and remain calmer when things go awry. Like seas, we should be able to live with both sky-high and rock-bottom situations. 

The waves and Twilight and colorful horizon is therapy for soul while the sea waters are cleanser for body. The sound of sea-tides repeatedly hitting shore is natural stress buster. It can heal stress quite effectively.

Here is a short video clip of rhythmic beach waves. Their sounds are true stress-busters after hectic week


  1. Some very nice skies you´ve got there. Beaches doesn´t look too shabby either.

  2. ...this beach bum loves your sunsets!

  3. Beautiful sky pictures. I love the sound of the ocean - I haven't seen one in almost three years now. Alana

  4. So beautiful. That's where I would like to be right now!

  5. Those colors are pretty spectacular in your shots!!

  6. Wow, that is a peaceful looking beach. I'm getting all chilled out looking at your photos.

  7. Beautiful scenes! Thanks for sharing.

  8. ...these are gorgeous, I'd love to be on the beach.

  9. Awesome beach and sky photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
