
Friday, January 27, 2023

Year End Birding at native village (2022) - Hosaadu Edition

I did not have much time for birding in Hosaadu village. Thankfully relatively reduced year end work load helped me to quickly wander around the harvested paddy fields in morning and grab some avian creatures under beating sun. My intention was to trace the call of Malabar pied hornbill which turned out to be entirely different story eventually. The Malabar pied hornbills are spread throughout the west coast nowadays, the reason which I am also unaware.

The pied bushchat as always friendliest bird for photographer. Stays still on perch even with human movements.

The long tailed shrike was darting across the field while looking for its partner. It seemed to be disgruntled by my movements as if I stole its peace. Eventually after stalking for a while, the bird did allow me to grab few shots. Later it flew to invisible horizon and moved towards home.

I spotted Malabar Lark after long gap. With plumage matching the surroundings, its is not easy to photograph despite being relatively bold. I fumbled a lot from view-finder before I could focus this in my camera.

The paddyfield pipit seemed to be extremely shy and hence no photograph

The ever elusive common bird pale-billed-flowerpecker finally reached my digital sensor. This bird seemed to be less shy and busy collecting nesting materials for its new home. I got crisp pictures of this tiny bird. Here are them.

The common tailorbird is regular visitor to in-laws house. It generally perches on those tiny plants either in search of prey or preening. Here are some.

Finally, the neighbour cat was curious to see my activity. Many such cats arrive at house premises to relax or look for prey.

I could not visit the pond which is tucked away amidst the sprawling fields. The pond sourced by backwaters of Souparnika river is brimming with wetland creatures. I have spotted lesser whistling ducks here. Hope to see more migrant birds if I get chance to visit again! These pictures were taken just before the harvest around September. Hope you enjoy them

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Beautiful bird captures. The views of paddy fields and the lake is really attractive.

  2. ...thanks for sharing these summery images on this dark, cold winter morning.

  3. Thank you for sharing these beautiful birds.

  4. Beautiful bird photography, well captured.

  5. Amazing photos of birds you captured.

  6. You did manage to snap some great photos of the beautiful birds. Beautiful view and sky in the last few snapshots.

  7. Beautiful bird photography. Funny to see the cat photo sneak into the post!
