
Saturday, February 11, 2023

Jakkur lake birding

January 15th, 2023

Ever since I discovered the front gate, it has got a fan. The rich presence of wetland birds tempts you to visit often. Sometime I feel how lucky are residents nearby. Today evening, I went for brief birding to Jakkur Lake to see if something interesting pops-out.

My sons are having bad cough thanks to bitter winter. The unstoppable cough lasted for couple of days which frightened us to hilt. Today it cooled down a bit. House becomes virtual prison when your loved ones fall ill. You loose passion for life till situation improves. The Makara Sankranthi turned out to be low-key festival this year due to illness. Fortunately kids recuperated today, I decided to have quick ride towards Jakkur lake as refresher. I started early since winter Sun sets early.

Before we get started, here are the pictures of island where avian life is thriving. The water was still, the atmosphere was clear, the reflection was crisp which motivated me to catch few pictures amidst the busy birding activity.

The painted storks were building nest and hence continuously flying along the lake to find the best housing material. This allowed me to capture few in-flight shots clearly. Their heavy flight feels like throttling ceiling fan.

Few painted storks were busy preening

The black crowned nigh heron were idle during evening. Some of them were watching movements of painted stork as not to loose balance while landing on the vegetation.

This pelican was peacefully and patiently preening its body. I termed it "Zen Preening"

The other was landing.

The grey heron took a flight and activity concluded. Hope to visit this idyllic place during early morning hours in coming days.

Till date, I could not capture clearly some of the urban commoners namely cinerous tit, white-eye and yellow billed babbler. There were occasions but I was without camera. Today too I heard white-eye calls but couldn't spot them eventually

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Beautiful flight shots! Nice sightings of Black-crowned night herons. I've never seen them at Jakkur lake.

  2. You got some beautiful bird photos here, outstanding post!!

  3. captured some amazing beauty!

  4. That's a beautiful little island. I can see why the birds like it!

  5. Beautiful bird images. Glad sons are feeling much better.

  6. What a gigantic sight of this small island, great this reflection.
    And wonderful shots of the different bird species!
    My Sky

  7. Hope your family is feeling better ~ and what awesome avian photos you have taken ~ gorgeous ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
